Helen Keller Sunflower Quotes and Meaning
You may have come here wishing to know who said, "keep your face to the sunshine." Helen Keller did. Enjoy reading Helen Keller sunflower quotes along with their meanings on this quotations page.
Helen Keller only actually wrote one quote specifically about the sunflower which you will discover here. But it was such a powerful quotation because of the meaning and symbolism behind the words that she carefully chose.
Being both deaf and blind never stopped Helen Keller from striving to always see the best in life. She was highly intelligent and published 12 books and several articles. Her quotations are full of sunshine and positivity.
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Helen Keller Sunflower Quotes and Meaning
Image Credit: Original image shared by JillWellington on Pixabay with a CC License
Helen Keller is known for her uplifting, inspirational and positive quotations. Despite being both deaf and blind, she spent her life thinking of other people and campaigning for other disabled children and adults.
Enjoy this page dedicated to Helen Keller's sunflower quotes along with their meaning. Many people think that she wrote a lot about the sunflower. In fact, there is just one specific quotation below.
I have carefully gathered together further quotations that I believe may have been inspired by this beautiful golden flower.
🌻 "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do." ~ Helen Keller
Helen is aware from this, one of the most famous sunflower quotes ever, of the fact that sunflower heads and blooms seem to actively follow the path of the sun during the day.
She uses the example of the sunflower in her writing to illustrate how we also should keep our faces, like sunflower blooms, lifted up always towards the sun so the shadows fall behind us. Of course, she isn't talking literally here.
The symbolic meaning of this quotation is to encourage us to seek out the good, the positive, the happy aspects in each day. By focusing on positive and choosing to look for the best in life, no matter what life throws at us, it can really help to banish the shadows which are the negative and unhappy thoughts and feelings.
"Keep your face to the sunshine," means focus on the bright side of life. Make the best of any situation just as she did. She was blind and deaf but that did not stop her from living a truly meaningful life. She achieved so much and left behind a powerful legacy.
Helen used one of the most iconic flowers to illustrate the poetic meaning of staying positive and not letting personal troubles define you as a person. This quote is all about hope, faith and striving for the best in life.
Further Helen Keller Quotes Inspired by Sunflowers
Image Credit: Original image shared by JillWellington on Pixabay with a CC License
The following quotations are ones that I have specifically chosen because I would like to believe that Helen was inspired by the majestic sunflower to write them.
I don't know for certain but I feel sure that Helen Keller would have used this amazing flower as an idea for far more of her writing.
🌻 "Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye." ~ Helen Keller
What holds its head higher than a proud and majestic sunflower? I feel sure that this flower was used as inspiration for this particular quote.
Psychologically, holding our heads high makes us feel more confident and ready to tackle the day ahead. Be proud and hold your head up high like a sunflower.
🌻 "I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower - the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence." ~ Helen Keller
There is only one flower that conjures up the very image of the sun for most people and that, of course, is our beloved sunflower.
🌻 "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable." ~ Helen Keller
When Helen talks of keeping our faces towards change this is just as if she has been inspired by the idea of a moving sunflower head which is always seeking out the sun.
It is also a flower that is associated with strength, having to grow and develop thick and sturdy stalks which are strong enough to carry the weight of the heavy blooms.
🌻 "One cannot consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." ~ Helen Keller
The sunflower is no creeping flower that hides among other plants. It is a flower that soars head and shoulders above everything else around it. You can see how this plant may have provided the inspiration for Helen's quote.
🌻 "Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties." ~ Helen Keller
Whenever joy is mentioned, I always think of the sunflower. It is one of the happiest looking flowers that has been provided for us.
🌻 "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement." ~ Helen Keller
Optimism and faith are another two words that I associate with this flower. It stays true to the sun and follows it as it moves through the sky.
🌻 "I cannot see the lovely things with my eyes, but my mind can see them all, and so I am joyful all the day long." ~ Helen Keller
Helen is blind so was sadly unable to ever see a sunflower with her own eyes but she could feel it and imagine the loveliness that these flowers bring. It is a symbol of joy and a vision that I like to believe inspired Helen Keller beyond words.
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